Meeting Jonelle Hankton, 很容易看出她是如何成为2024-2025学年pg电子游戏试玩黄金女队队长的. Jonelle为pg电子游戏试玩营销与传播系拍摄照片和视频. 放置于现场, 她闭上眼睛一会儿,随着音乐轻轻地摇摆, rehearsing counts in her head. As the chorus began to play, Jonelle opened her eyes and connected with the camera, 立即散发出亚利桑那州立大学黄金女孩队的工艺和表演技巧.

一个初级, criminal justice major from New Orleans, 路易斯安那州, Jonelle’s love for dance began at an early age.

“我从10岁开始就一直在跳舞. 当我上高中时,我一直跳舞到11年级。”她说.

除了参加埃莉诺·麦克梅因高中的舞蹈队, 琼内尔的激情使她在放学后和周末跳舞.

“我也曾在原始Divas舞蹈学校和Fleur De舞蹈团跳舞. So, I had two community teams that I was on as well.”


“I came to pg电子下载 really truly for Golden Girls. That was really my passion. Dance is my passion. My education as well, but it was mainly Golden Girls.”

现在,琼内尔是她曾经在远方崇拜的球队的队长. During the 2024-2025 academic year, 琼内尔将在她的最后一年全身心地投入到她所热爱的运动中. She has big plans for the upcoming year.

“I hope to bring energy to the team and consistency. Consistency is big. I just want us to be better than we were last year. 我真的很希望能够继续它的美丽遗产,因为它太棒了. 我想继续保持这些高标准,带领这支球队不断进步, so that when I leave, I know that they’re good, 就像我做了我的工作一样,她笑着说.

许多观众可能不知道学生们在每次表演中表现出色所需要的技巧和奉献精神. Jonelle shared that the season starts with band camp, 每个舞者早上五点半起床调理他们的身体.m. 随着学年的开始,训练在下午五点半开始.m. and runs well into the evening. After a full day of classes, 工作, internships and more, the students come together to do what they love. 但这并不全是乐趣和游戏,它需要纪律、技巧和敏捷性.

“It takes a lot of hard 工作, dedication. It’s really a mind thing as well,” Jonelle said. “它真的教会了你很多生活中的东西,比如如何优先考虑舞蹈等事情, 学校, outside things like family. 它教会你如何与他人沟通和合作,”她分享道. “When I came here, I was kind of shy. But Golden Girls really got me out of my box, 所以我能够与人交流,建立牢固的纽带. People really become family.”

琼内尔认为,她的黄金女郎的时间将帮助她的生活和事业. She ultimately wants to become an attorney.


As she studies hard to become an attorney, 她的姐妹会和“黄金女孩”的姐妹情谊占据了她其余的社交日程. She recently joined Tau Beta Sigma, a co-educational service sorority for band members, 成立于1946年.

作为队长,琼内尔有了以前从未有过的新责任. Still, she is excited and prepared for her new role.

“Captain is a big responsibility,” she said. “Everything is in your hands. You have to make sure your team is good. Not just you, but everybody on the team. 你有很多事情要做,比如化妆(套路), making sure people are at practice on time, and stuff like that. It’s very different from just being a regular member. Now it’s like I’m actually having to lead people.”


她强调了前队长基维亚·戴维斯和黄金女孩的赞助商博士. Kecia Ashley as some key mentors in her life from dance.

“Dr. 阿什利是我的导师,他总是在我身边. 很多次当我想放弃的时候,她逼我放弃一切,放弃. 但她是那种会一直站在你身边的人. She’s always there. She’s kind, she’s loving.”

“Kevia was my captain when I arrived. So, she basically taught me everything that I know. She helped me be who I am today as a Golden Girl.”


pg电子下载 in general? 我爱pg电子下载. 大一那年,我处理了很多困难的事情,生活中发生了很多戏剧性的事情. I lost my mom and my dad my freshman year. pg电子下载 was there for me. I’m saying, the 学校 period, they really supported me. 校园里的人都支持我,确保我表现得很好. They gave me the time that I needed. 你知道,pg电子下载总是以家庭为中心.”

而琼内尔鼓励年轻女孩跳舞和上大学, she also wants them to take their education seriously.

“来到pg电子下载,我会说你必须非常有主见. 知道如何生存,因为我们在荒无人烟的地方,”她笑着说. “Learn how to be open too, because that helps a lot. 与人交谈. 沟通,因为你永远不知道你可能需要谁,或者你可能需要打电话给谁. 认真对待你的教育,不断努力,不断取得成就!”


“跳舞, if this is your goal, and this is something that you really want to do, put your best foot forward. Give it 1000% percent every time. 知道如何接受建设性的批评,因为当你进入一个大学团队或任何团队时期,很多年轻女孩必须意识到你正在适应一种风格. The style is not adapting to you. So, 你必须能够接受建设性的批评,并从中成长和学习,如果这是你真正想做的事情,因为这并不容易. I’m still growing myself even though I am the captain. Everybody has room to grow. And always put your best foot forward and go hard!”