The most important aspect of any recommendation is whom you ask to write it. “The question is not, ‘Can you write me a letter of recommendation?’ but ‘Can you write me a strong letter of recommendation?’” Most professors will answer the “strong letter” question honestly. This can save you from situations where a professor simply says you took a class with her and earned an A. Letters like that can actually hurt an application, 尤其是实习推荐信. Most students have already shown they are capable of earning good grades if they’ve made it to grad school. So, seek recommendations that highlight such qualities as your character, dedication and drive.


  • Faculty with some familiarity with your academic potential are the best choices for letter writers. These individuals can comment on your academic accomplishments, 参与课堂活动, writing ability and potential for success in an academically-challenging graduate program.
  • Faculty who have supervised your research projects are also excellent letter writers. The research you have engaged in prior to your application does not need to match the research interests you may have in graduate school. The letter writer can speak to your understanding of the research process, critical thinking skills and writing abilities rather than your knowledge of a particular aspect of psychology.
  • Supervisors of your work are acceptable letter writers, but not preferred over academic faculty. 主管会对你的职业道德发表意见, timeliness, 能够组织和管理多个任务, 以及你与他人相处的能力.
  • 你应该避免家人或朋友的来信, or other letters that only speak to your personal attributes.
  • It is preferable for applicants to offer letter writers information about the programs they are applying to so that they may be able to speak to specific qualities in their letters. Remind non-academic work supervisors about the importance of writing a detailed letter. Further, avoid asking faculty that you may have not had a specific connection with, such as a faculty member teaching a large undergraduate class.

Say Thanks

  • Email’s easy, but a hand-written note is usually the best way to thank letter-writers. A thoughtful thank you may also increase the chances for future recommendations or even mentoring down the road.
  • Anyone who writes you a recommendation letter cares about your future in the field and wants to see you succeed. So consider keeping your letter-writers updated on your progress—perhaps sending a quick e-mail about whether you got into a particular program, internship, 博士后或工作.


Don’t fall into some common traps of seeking recommendation letters. Many students, for example, may believe that having a “big name” on a letter of recommendation will increase their chances of acceptance. 是的,APA主席James H. Bray, PhD, is impressive, but only if he’s intimately aware of your achievements, 性格与未来目标. If not, find a faculty member who can argue convincingly on your behalf based on what he or she knows from working closely with you.

确保你的写信人是具体的. Letters that are brief and general are the worst because they indicate that the letter writer is not familiar with the student. Also, don’t ask to see a recommendation letter after it is written because recipients of the letter may be concerned that this will make letter-writers less candid. If you select the right faculty, you should feel confident that the person will support your case.


  • For starters, let your letter-writers know how to send in their recommendations, since some schools require electronic submissions while others want hard copies. Give your writers a list of requirements and due dates for each program to help them stay organized.
  • Also, give them a summary of your achievements, research and other accomplishments. Even your closest advisers won’t remember everything you’ve done and how you did it. Be specific about the program or position you are applying for so the letter can be tailored to your abilities and potential fit.
  • Contact your letter-writers to ensure your letters are sent by the deadlines. Students should follow up within a week of the due date. Also, contact your grad programs and potential employers to confirm your dossier’s status. Just use some restraint when checking on your progress. You don’t want to bug them all the time, but a simple call or e-mail is in your best interest.

This web page was adapted from USM’s Counseling Psychology Programs’ Frequently Asked Questions and APA’s article titled
